Nature Recovery
Restoring a mosaic of nature-rich habitats from the source to sea of the River Findhorn
Our Vision for Nature Recovery
Through the Findhorn Watershed Initiative, the Findhorn, Nairn and Lossie Rivers Trust is playing a coordinating role to work in collaboration towards realising the following outcomes:
Healthy, connected river woodlands, from the Monadhliath Mountains to the Moray Firth
A landscape supporting an abundance and diversity of life
Cool, clean, wilder rivers, shaped by natural processes, with increased resilience to climate risks
A watershed fulfilling its carbon-storing potential, from peatlands to saltmarsh
A fully integrated, watershed-scale approach
From the Cro to the Calder; the Eskin to the Elrick; the Divie and the Dorback; and the Muckle to the Mosset – we are pursuing opportunities to address the unique challenges and opportunities for nature recovery across the River Findhorn Watershed:
Upper Catchment
Restoring and establishing native riparian woodland
Protecting and restoring ancient ‘lost’ woodlands
Improving woodland connectivity
Supporting peatland restoration
Collaborating towards management of deer and other herbivores at a catchment-scale
to enable natural woodland regeneration and support the local economyPursing opportunities for river restoration and floodplain reconnection
Monitoring water temperatures, quality, and security
Lower Catchment
Restoring and expanding native river woodland
Prioritising natural flood alleviation solutions
Protecting and expanding habitat for river wildlife
Supporting Nature Friendly Farming, with potential to support the establishment of a ‘cluster’
Improving fish passage
Invasive Non Native Species (INNS) management by SISI
Monitoring freshwater invertebrates, as an indicator for river health
Findhorn Bay & Coastal area
Restoration of Saltmarsh, Seagrass Meadows, and other carbon-storing coastal habitats – for climate, biodiversity and natural flood risk alleviation
Monitoring water quality
Exploring opportunities for ‘seawilding’ species reintroduction such as Native Oysters
Supporting the campaign to reinstate the 3-mile in-shore limit